
Every year, USAC or your state (for California, Oregon, and Texas) will check to confirm you still qualify for the benefit.
If USAC can confirm you still qualify, there is nothing else that you need to do.
If USAC cannot confirm you still qualify, you will receive an email or letter in the mail to help you recertify. You may also receive additional reminders by email, mail, or pre-recorded messages on your phone.
When you are asked to recertify you must do so within 60 days, or you will lose your Lifeline benefit.
If USAC Sends You a Letter
If you are asked to recertify, you will receive a written notice from USAC’s Lifeline Support Center.
The notice will say:
- You have to recertify
- You have 60 days to respond
What to Do If Asked to Recertify
There are three ways to recertify for Lifeline.

This option is only available if you DO NOT have to provide proof documentation.
Call (855) 359-4299, enter in the application ID number included in your letter, and follow the prompts.
To recertify using your Tribal ID number, call (800) 234-9473.
If You Don’t Respond on Time
If you don’t respond by the deadline, you will lose your Lifeline benefit. This means your monthly bill may increase or your free minutes will stop. Your service may be turned off.
If you lose your discount (or if your service is turned off) but you think you still qualify, you can reapply to get Lifeline.